Symbeo’s Supplier Portal facilitates visibility into the processing status of an invoice and opens communication between you and all your suppliers. Our Supplier Portal allows self registration by suppliers making it easy for them to get onboard, and taking the effort off your plate.
Yes. Symbeo’s Supplier Portal improves communication between the supplier and your AP team, provides suppliers with visibility into the processing status of their invoice, and improves overall supplier relationships.
Yes. The information shown to the suppliers is controlled, and invoice processing statuses are only visible to the supplier as applicable to your organization.
5 Ways AP Automation Can Optimize Change Management
When tackling any type of change to company structures or processes, change management sometimes gets pushed to the background in favor of more sought-after topics like cost savings, revenue increase, or resource allocation. But the bottom line is that without effective change management practices, AP teams will likely struggle with their core responsibility, which is to pay invoices on time.